Identification for consumption<br>WHERE IS EUROPE GOING TO?

Identification for consumption<br>WHERE IS EUROPE GOING TO?
It is well known that, nowadays, the European Community is one of the main encouragers of individual animal traceability and identification. It has given certain priority to this issue due to the various food poisoning events in the last few years. Undoubtedly, BSE or the mad cow disease accelerated the identification investigation process.Thus, traceability systems based on tags that are not only electronic have been investigated and developed, so as to not only to automatize and computerize the handling and movement of animals but also to make it safer in terms of product contamination and also, inviolable.The IDEA project electronically identified, in seven European countries, one million animals combining the three known systems of application (injectable 5%, tags 25% and ruminant bolus 70%). According to the results, it is clear that the ruminant bolus is the identifying system that causes less losses, and it is the safest and most inviolable system in the world.*Certifying Agent and Categorizing Agent



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