The Chilean classification and categorization systems are carried out by Certifying Agencies accredited by the Chilean Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG). The agencies must be accredited by one of the Accreditation Organizations that belong to the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) or to the IAAC (InterAmerican Accreditation Cooperation). In order to operate in Argentina, these Certifying Agencies must have legal residence in the country and be approved by the National Service of Agriculture and Food Health and Quality (SENASA).SAG and SENASA entered into and agreement in which the Argentine Health Organization operates as a controller of the certification of meat cuts in Chile, monitoring the accredited Certifying Agencies.The Chilean Law 19.162 sets forth a Mandatory System of Cattle Classification, Categorization and Nomenclature of their Meat. This law and four other Chilean rules supplement the categorization of meat cuts.*Certifying Agent and Categorizing Agent



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